Home made Play dough recipe


Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful week so far !

I have been wanting to share this play dough recipe on the blog since a while now. Every toddler that I know of including mine, loves play dough. Buying it from the store could be an easier option for some fun but it doesn’t last long and it also gets pretty expensive too. The store bought play dough seemed sticky sometimes and it dries out easily. It tends to get harder after you start using it a couple of times. The dried play dough on the carpet is such a pain to clean up. I tried a no cook recipe for play dough but it doesn’t always turn out great and goes bad in two to three days. So, that was when I started looking for the most practical recipe. I found this recipe on the internet and with a few minor modifications it has always worked great. I have been using this recipe for about a year now and there is no looking back. We no longer buy play dough from the store. It’s a must have for rainy days 🙂


2 cups of unbleached all purpose flour

2 cups of water

1/3 rd of a cup of salt

3 teaspoons of Cream of Tartar

2 tablespoons of Coconut Oil/Olive Oil/Almond Oil

Food colors

STEPS involved:

Take a nonstick pan and add all the above ingredients into it.

Mix using a spatula (I prefer using a silicone spatula) until the water and the dry ingredients get mixed very well. If you see some lumps formed that is totally fine they will go away once you heat the mixture.

Now turn on the stove and heat the mixture on a medium heat while stirring it continuously.

After a couple of minutes the mixture starts to form like a dough. At this point you can stop stirring and  let the mixture cook. Turn over the dough occasionally, so that it gets cooked evenly.

When completely done ( you should not see any sticky or watery areas), you can take the pan down from heat and turn off the stove. Let it cool and then transfer it on a parchment paper/wax paper. It takes around 8-10 minutes to reach a workable temperature and now we can start adding the colors.

Divide the dough into 5 equal parts or depending on how many colors of play dough you need.

Add a 2 to 3 drops of the color of your choice and then start folding into the dough with your hands.

Repeat it with all the portions of play dough you have.

You can store this play dough in an air tight container and it stays good for about a month.


  • The amount of salt used in this recipe might look like it’s too much but trust me it’s required. Otherwise you will end up with a sticky dough.
  • I like to make a few different colors at a time so, I add the colors at the end. If you want a single color play dough you can add the color in the beginning along with the water.
  • My daughter loves adding colors, so is a fun activity and an opportunity to learn colors and color mixing too.
  • I am actually looking for natural food color options,which are more safe to be used .

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