Simple & comforting Soup for cold /flu


It was a cloudy day here in California and my little one was feeling under the weather. It’s so hard for a mom when her child is sick. A cloud of anxiety floats over your head yet you have to be strong and take care of the child, constantly thinking about ways to help your child get back to health.

Fever/cold usually comes with a loss of appetite, it can be challenging to feed your little ones. It’s okay for a child to not eat regular meals when they have fever. They still need to get some fluids ,so that the body can flush out all that is causing the fever in the first place.


Here is a simple soup recipe which is very comforting and great for children who refuse to eat. This soup can be given to children even if they are not sick. You can also add more vegetables like potatoes for more carbs or cheese for an added flavor and protein. For sick days, we will just stick with the recipe below.

This soup can also be added to rice or pasta as a sauce to make it a meal for babies/toddlers. Just add very little or no water if you are using it this way.

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